Again by the end of the year, at the end of 2012, the variety of wrap-up lists, have meeting summary, job summary and so on. In the last day of 2012, here we summarize the dehumidifier market this year. In the past year, dehumidifier gradually accepted by more and more people into the family, dehumidifier prices also gradually expand at the same time and tend to be more reasonable in the market. Let us analysis the 2012 market development situation of dehumidifier, let us know what are the factors which restrict the development of the dehumidifier market! We will discuss dehumidifier market development restriction factor in 2012 to give you a detailed introduction, help you to better open the dehumidifier market in 2013!
2012 dehumidifier market development restriction factor 1: the level of consumption
Dehumidifier cost and production cost of an air-conditioning is neck and neck, this also led to a dehumidifier price is high, at the same time as the market demand is narrow, it is difficult to form the advantage of scale production, therefore, for most people it is hard to accept.
2012 dehumidifier market development restriction factor 2: consumer consciousness
Many people for air humidity tolerance range is wide, want to know about only 2 to 3 months of the year is belongs to the humid period, most people would choose to endure this directly for several months.
There is also a part of the consumers feel the dehumidification function of air conditioning is can completely replace the dehumidifier, the need to have some neglect of its existence.
2012 dehumidifier market development restriction factor 3: propaganda
A lot of dehumidifier or is in a state of natural sales, factory is not equipped with corresponding promotion, its for dehumidifier the propaganda is very lack, this can make the information between the producers and consumers more serious faults.