Divide mite machine and uv except mites cleaner, is designed to eliminate in the bed, sofa, carpet, clothing and any textile items above breed bacteria, virus, mites allergens such as ultraviolet allergy type machine that divide mite.
Motor power of 350 watts, powerful vacuum driver aspiration force to all corners of the mattress can be thoroughly cleaning sterilization.
Smooth appearance, beautiful and easy, ergonomically designed handle, use rise more convenient, more comfortable.
360 degrees at the bottom of the roller design
Smooth bottom roller, can more easily on the mattress, bring you new feeling smooth dust removal.
The first "clean" method
Flap combined with "strong", "clean exhaust", "uv sterilization", "rotating brush" work together, can go out more thoroughly in the mattress dust mites and house.
1. Timely clearing debris and dust collection in barrel attachments, dust, dust bag clean after each work;
2. Check the power cord and plug to see if there is any breakage, after use hang wind power coil in a sheaf in the nose top hook;
3. The use of machines to be light to take light put, can't force collision, note moistureproof and waterproof;
4. The machine stop should be placed in ventilated, dry place, avoid direct light.
5. Don't make the machine for a long time continuous working condition, continuous working time please control within 2 hours, otherwise will affect the machine service life;
6. If the host fever, roast, or have abnormal vibration and noise, should be timely to send, don't use.